
Marximum - the best for your business

(Advertorial) High standards of completion, low operating costs, state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Amelie Miller

(Advertorial) High standards of completion, low operating costs, state-of-the-art infrastructure.

The MARXIMUM office complex is located on the border between Vienna’s 3rd and 11th districts and stands out due to its central location and optimal accessibility, thereby guaranteeing a perfect connection to the city center and the Vienna airport in Schwechat.

A vision became reality: The MARXIMUM office space offers a working environment that is perfectly tailored to the needs and desires of today’s workforce. To suit every company’s individual requirements, the building allows for individualization of floor plans. In this way, all company-specific space and layout needs are met - whether combined, single or open-plan offices.

The tenants of MARXIMUM know its benefits. Many creditworthy companies - such as “Wiener Wohnen” customer service, “Wiener Wohnen Außen- und Haus-Betreuung”, “ERGO Versicherung AG” or “OTIS Austria GmbH” - have chosen to locate their headquarters’ in this dynamic-urban neighborhood. The reasons: The MARXIMUM office campus offers efficient space layout, enabling future expansion. State-of-the-art technology guarantees maximum comfort and low operating costs, undermined by the prestigious “Green Building” award. Furthermore, culinary delights are served in the stylish cafeteria and canteen restaurant, where meals are freshly prepared and home-cooked. No surprise then, that the occupancy rate is high.

MARXIMUM is easy to reach by public and private transportation. With the subway, it is within a few minutes of Vienna’s city center. In addition to its excellent connection to the Vienna airport, many tenants also appreciate the close proximity to the “Gasometer” with its vast leisure and shopping facilities.