Safe haven Austria
Record volume of foreign trading. The Vienna Stock Exchange had a record-breaking year in 2016 and is well under way this year resulting...
Record volume of foreign trading. The Vienna Stock Exchange had a record-breaking year in 2016 and is well under way this year resulting...
Werner Faymann new consultant. The PEMA group successfully secured prominent additions to their team in the form of retired Chancellor...
Transaction volumes are declining. While the demand from both corporate and private investors for investment real estate properties...
Office-Market Vienna. Currently a number of exciting office projects are in the final stages of completion in Vienna. This will not...
ABA – Invest in Austria, the national investment promotion company operating under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Science,...
The time has come. Robert Neuberger ,Managing Director of Neuberger Research is at the the right place at the right time. He would...
The original purpose of the savings account: The accumulation of savings … a lesson in ancient history. The European Central Bank...
Over 5,000 international investors and representatives of financial institutions are heading to MIPIM 2017 where they are expected...
An interesting year. The institute for real estate industry (IFI) concluded in their trend report that 2017 is going to be an interesting...
Ein Investor, der nicht in der EU wohnt, darf nicht ohne Weiteres Grund und Boden in Salzburg kaufen. Versuche gibt es freilich immer...
Die steirische C&P hat das frühere Einkaufszentrum Euro-Shopping gekauft. Das Unternehmen will dort rund 100 Millionen Euro in 650...
Mit Bundeskanzler a.D. Werner Faymann und seinem früherer Pressesprecher Matthias Euler-Rolle als Senior Consulter hat sich die PEMA-Gruppe...
In Österreichs Städten und Dörfern sind Handel und Wohnen an die Ränder gewandert.
Absolut lesenswert. Ein Sittenbild von Wiener Wohnen im "Standard". Bestechliche Mitarbeiter, korrupte Geschäftspartner – trotz schwerer...
Die PORR errichtet in Kristiansand die 654 Meter lange Varodd-Brücke. Schon im März sollen die Bauarbeiten starten und im Frühjahr...